Albuquerque Coin Club
Exploring the World of Numismatics
Join us
2025 Dates
Last Monday of the month
(For 2025: 1/27, 2/24, 3/31,4/28, 5/19, 6/30, 7/28, 8/25, 9/29, 10/27, and 11/24)
Member Trading & Selling
Meeting Start
Upcoming Events
Pocket Change Newsletters
Local Club – State and National Impacts
The 2013 NM Legislature recognized the 60th year of the Albuquerque Coin Club and its dedication to numismatics.
The Albuquerque Coin Club sponsored and hosted the 2008 launch of the NM State Quarter.
Rod Frechette, the 2022 National Numismatist of the Year and Glen Smedley Award winner, has been a long-time member and leader within the club. His dedication to the field of numismatics is well documented. The Albuquerque Coin Club fosters an atmosphere of excellence.
Albuquerque Coin Club staff hold national positions with the American Numismatic Association, thus providing a benefit to our members.
Pocket Change, the Albuquerque Coin Club’s newsletter was awarded best club newsletter for 2023 and 2020. Other years it has come in 2nd. The dedicated editor and contributing members make it top notch nationally.
Albuquerque Coin Club participates in the annual ANA Trivia challenge and won first prize in 2018. Other years were determined by drawing after many ties.
ACC members routinely support National coin events including coin shows and ANA Summer Seminar. The club offer travel stipends and scholarships under limited conditions.
National leaders are members of our club.
frequently asked questions
Q. What is numismatics, and why is it considered a valuable field of study?
Q. What factors determine the value of a coin or currency note?
Q. How can I ensure the authenticity of a coin or currency in my collection?
Q. How do I get started with coin collecting, especially if I'm a beginner?
Q. Are there any specific resources for identifying and cataloging coins?