Submit nominations anytime, but no later than September 30 of award year.
he "Life Membership" Award recognizes an outstanding member of the ACC who distinguishes themselves as a leader, educator, and volunteer of the Club for a minimum of 10 years.


The award is granted to the member who most exemplifies sustained club leadership through activities such as:
  • Be an active club member for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Current or prior participation as a Board of Director Member or Club Officer for one or more terms.
  • Current or prior participation in monthly club activities including meetings, coin shows, educational activities, club breakfast, picnic, Christmas Dinner.
  • Chair subcommittes for the Board of Directors or meetings for speciffic club activities or goals.
  • Current or prior participation in special activities such as Club Parlimentarian, ANA Representative, Communications Coordinator, Monthly Test Coordinator, Auction Manager/Auctioneer, etc.

EXCLUSION: Members with less than 10 years cumulative membership.

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