Albuquerque Coin Club Spring Show Contract Details:

Details: Nov 10th, 11th, & 12th 2024
To be hosted at: Marriott Albuquerque Pyramid North 5151 San Francisco Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102-4508
FRI: 8:30AM - 12:30PM Dealer Setup
12:30PM - 5:30PM Open to Public
SAT: *9:30AM - 5:30PM Open to Public
SUN: *9:30AM - 2:00PM Open to Public
*dealers may arrive 30 min before opening
Mailing Address:(Required)
Your Name(Required)

Please provide a current business card

Select three categories for your table(s):(Required)
Price: $230.00
Price: $8.00
Price: $6.00
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Payment Mode(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Albuquerque Coin Club “ACC” Exhibitor Contract The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all ACC Show rules & all hosting establishment rules (hereinafter “the rules”)
      1. ACC Officers have the right to close, without liability of any kind, the space of any seller who refuses to conform to the rules.
      2. Exhibitor spaces assigned by ACC are not transferable.
      3. ACC reserves the unconditional right to reject any application for exhibitor space and to revise, reassign, add to, or abandon any spaces shown on the floor plan for betterment of the ACC Show.
      4. ACC is authorized to change the site of the Show and/or to make any alternate space assignments required by such a move in the event of a natural or other compromise to the show site or upon the decision of the ACC Board of Directors.
      5. ACC will not be held responsible for losses to exhibitors due to theft, fire, flood, earthquake, weather, panic, riots, civil disturbances, strikes, disease, famine or any other condition which prevents the Show from opening, continuing through the scheduled dates or opening on time.
      6. Exhibitors agree to hold ACC and its agents and officers forever harmless for any losses, damages, or expenses of any nature caused by or arising out of any accident or other occurrence to any person or property, including the person and property of the exhibitor, their agents, employees, and invitees in connection with the exhibitor’s occupancy or use of any part of the Show premises whether or not such loss, damage, or expense is the result of negligence or other fault of ACC.
      7. Exhibitors will install and complete their table before the public opening of the Show and shall not remove, pack, or otherwise disturb the appearance of their tables until after closing on the final day of the Show. A $25 per table penalty will be charged for early departure. *Exceptions can be made for inclement weather travel, illness or other emergency with clear communication with ACC Show Chair, President or Vice President.
      8. Cancellation Policy: Once the contract has been made, written cancellation by signing Exhibitor will result in loss of fees. Date of cancellation will be determined by the actual date of receipt by ACC. Fees will be lost according to this schedule: a. 0 to 30 days before Show opening: NO Refund of Total Fees b. 31 to 90 days before Show opening: 50% Refund of Total Fees c. 91 to 120 days before Show opening: 75% Refund of Total Fees d. Verbal cancellation of this contract will not be accepted by ACC or any of its agents. Exhibitor understands that they may be billed for unfulfilled obligations under this contract as a result of cancellation or the failure to contact ACC to fulfill the contract terms.
      9. ACC and Exhibitor acknowledge that this is the entire contract between the parties and that there is no other contract between them. This agreement supersedes, voids, and terminates any and all other agreements which may have existed previously, or which may exist at time of signature. Albuquerque Coin Club “ACC” Exhibitor Contract If full payment is not made on the Contract two weeks prior to the Show, then reservations may be canceled & resold at the discretion of ACC and the above cancellation policy will be enforced for any amounts paid up to that date. ACC reserves the right to reject future requests for an Exhibitor Contract as a result of Exhibitor’s previous unfulfilled contractual obligations to ACC and further reserves the right to collect back fees and charges for any amounts unpaid in previous ACC contracts and agreements for other Coin Show events. I/WE HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND IT IS NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY AN AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OF THE CURRENT SHOW CHAIR, PRESIDENT, OR TREASURER OF ACC.
Clear Signature
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